Hi there Sahlabiya,
Thank you sooo much for trying this method of watering. I don't think the pot is as important as the correct ratio of clay/bark mixture in the pot. It is the clay component of the mix that causes the capillary action drawing the water upwards and really works remarkably well. I was amazed when I first saw this in action.
Here is an excerpt from my website regarding watering with this method.
"The following time designations apply to Seramis Special Mix for Orchids and may vary when using a different orchid mix.
By capillarity action, the water will be drawn upwards. After 1-2 days half of the water should have disappeared and after 5-6 days the coaster should be completely dry again. If the water disappeared within one day completely or if there is water in the coaster after 5-6 days you were watering too late or too early. Please make sure that you only add more water to the coaster once there is no water left AND the mix in the Orchid Pot is only damp-ish. The best way to find this out is to raise the Orchid Pot – if it is heavy, please wait. Within a short time you will get the feeling when to water and only have to lift up the Orchid Pot for control or at the beginning of a new season when the conditions change significantly. The colour of the mix can indicate the level of moisture too (dark=wet, bright=dry).
Lady´s slipper can be watered earlier as they like it more moist."
Hope this helps? You can see the full re-potting and watering article at:
Re-Potting your Orchid « Orchid Pots
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