Well, I'm not as familiar with the oncidium types, but I'll make a suggestion. If the roots seem dry, maybe (I'm assuming the roots ur talking about r the ones outside the pot?) u can mist those roots probably daily (or every other day)... They r exposed to air, so will be fine. Just don't mist/water the pot daily... The leaves, u might wanna avoid
misting them (direct spray at roots) b/c oncidium types can sometimes be funny about that... Meaning, they will get spots on their leaves, and most ppl don't like that too much (it's a little unsightly).

But, the part of the plant in the pot, that, I would suggest (guess) watering once a week, but look up "the skewer method" that will help you to know when it's
actually dry. These kinds (onc.) need water just before they r completely dry. Also, the pseudobulbs will start to wrinkle when they don't have enough water, just water right before they wrinkle/as they wrinkle... You may notice (i have with a couple of mine) that they seem to need just a little more water when in bloom than when not. Underwatering is better than overwatering. What is it potted in? It looks like bark, can u tell what size? 1/4" or 1/2" the smaller size holds water longer=less watering, yet, the larger dries out faster, so u will water more. One more thing, look at the roots, if they r silver in color, they can use water, but if they r green, they don't. And treat the outside-of-the-pot roots different from the inside-of-the-pot roots, for now (until you repot)

Good Luck!

...If I've got anything wrong, someone will hopefully correct me!
Everyone's conditions are different, and ultimately, all anyone can do is make suggestions... You will have to figure out what works for u, in your environment. So above my advice, listen to what your plant needs...

---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 AM ----------
Just saw the second part of your post, (guess I was typing away, lol) yes, I would enjoy those blooms and repot after they're gone


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