Today i went to wal-mart to dat looking for some cat food and bell peppers, and came acrossed a sad looking Phal. with a dead flower spike. So i looked it over and it looked ok to me root wise. i got it for $5. when i got it home i went to repot it and the moment i pulled it out of the pot the two big leaves on it came right off. I looked at the center and there was rot there. i then did an emergency rot clean up (idk what to call it.) and cleaned and cut anything that didnt look green.
After that i saved any roots that i cut off so the poor thing can fit into the pot and spread a little keiki paste on the open ends and placed it in sphag. and i did the same with the leaves that fell off, after cutting the rotted parts.
The only leaves that are still on the poor plant are little ones and i dont think they'll make it. i also put cinnamon on any rotted part on the crown (any where that looked grey).
Is it saveable??
I'll post some pix.
Ill' be more than happy it post more pix if that would help.