How long til roots after KLN?
I have a small orchid that was knocking on death's door when I got it. After repotting in a much smaller pot, changing the media over to bark and soaking the thing in some KLN, I have to say it is coming along nicely for the most part. That said, I soaked its base in KLN probably 4-5 weeks ago, and 3-4 weeks ago, at the advice of someone else on this board, I dunked the whole thing leaves and all so it could absorb some through the leaves.
I just soaked watered it and took the opportunity to look..annnnd nothing. No new roots, no tiny stubs of hope, nothing. The four roots it does have seem to be doing okay, but I was hoping I'd at least see a nub or something by now.
How long does it take? Did I not put enough KLN in the water or something? Advice??