Going to try Sedirea Japonic, input?
After some looking I found a place that sells Sedirea Japonica about an hour away so the plan is to stop by there on Saturday. However, I am wondering if anyone can give me any input as to how difficult these plants are to keep? I keep phals and one oncidium in my room with reasonable success, is the sedirea about the same difficulty wise? Any special care? I looked some stuff up online and some people say they keep dying on them while others say they're pretty simple to keep. Input appreciated
---------- Post added at 02:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------
Forgot to note:
Growing on my window sill, so reasonable indirect sunlight
Humidity in the summer is around 50-60%, pretty dry in the winter
Temperature is 70F-85F depending if the central air is on or not, in the winter it can be as low as 55F, usually in the lower 60s.
I have heard these plants need a "cool down" period when winter comes or else they will die, can anyone explain this more?