TL;DR scroll down for my question.
so I couldn't resist checking out Lowe's for orchids...and a couple of mini phals jumped out at me. Lowe's actually labels I got a Timothy Christopher and a Doud Violet. the Timothy Christopher is actually
fragrant! I am so happy about that...I never expected to find a fragrant phal. the Doud Violet is a rescue orchid - I bought it for $3.50, severely dehydrated and without blooms - I have no idea what this one's going to look like. I repotted both, and the roots on both look great (which is a great relief on that Doud Violet - she'll probably survive.) regrettably though, they were both potted in pots that had no drainage, and the only pot I have with suitable drainage...fits both orchids in it. so, they're in the same pot for now

oh well. when I get new pots in, I'll fix this.
TL;DR so here's my question. one of the Timothy's flowers was drying up, I didn't think anything of it at first...but now I notice that the stem on that one flower is enlarged and a getting darker, more firm... has it been pollinated? will anything need to be done, or do I just need to let nature run its course and enjoy it?