I have several phals with keikis still attached that are two years old or even older. Normally they grow large and develop lots of roots. On two occasions, that I can think of, I've had keikis stay small and never develop past that small stage. In both cases they're still on the plant several years later and have not developed. If your keiki is on a flower spike, then you can cut it off or leave it on and see what happens, which ever you prefer. If it's from the base of the plant (basal keiki) I would leave it alone. I don't remove basal keikis for fear of damaging the mother plant. Both my keikis that didn't develop are basal keikis. I've never had a keiki stay small for years and then start growing again, so don't be surprised if they never develop. Also, if the keiki is on a flower spike and the spike has died and turned brown, then it no longer gets nutrients from the mother plant and needs to be removed.
Last edited by tucker85; 04-04-2013 at 07:48 AM..