I ordered Brassia eternal wind orchid from malaysia, and it's been in a package for 2-3 weeks, I've posted pictures to show some of the things i'm worried about, wrinkled pseudobulb, black spots on leaves, black markings.
Can anyone tell me if there is anything wrong with it?
Last edited by datperson12345; 03-18-2013 at 04:25 PM..
All up it looks pretty good to me, I'd probably just cut off that little bit in the first picture and leave it at that, nothing that surprises me after a long time in transit.
Isolate the plant when you get it in the mail....
the yellowish ring and black center on the tip of the leaf of the first picture is fungi infestation. You may want to cut it off and dab the wound with cinnamon....
the bulbs are not really suffering from dehydration but you are on S/H so its going to be hydrated well....
The black dots on the tip of the leaves on the second picture is caused by cold water droplets....
use an old toothbrush to clean the bulbs with soap and water....there are whitish powdery sediments....rule out mite infestation....
then spray it all with hydrogen peroxide
you may let the plant join the others after a week of repeating this
---------- Post added at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------
there are new roots and a new bulb growing, it means that it is getting used to its environment....Good luck !