Hello all,
I have a phal. It is my first and only orchid. I neglected it pretty badly. It was in far too cold a temperature, exposed to too much sun at one point and too much water also. It had no growth for the last year and a half. It had about 8 leaves. I checked the roots and most of them were rotting or hollow. I cut most of them off. The bottom leaf had turned completely yellow. The next leaf was going spongy and watery at the base of the leaf. It wasn't looking good.
I had it suspended over wet orchid bark and was spraying it with Orchid Myst.
Long story short, the orchid ended up with 3 leaves and one and a half roots. Then 2 leaves and one root. The last 2 leaves started to shrivel and turn yellow and just last night...they came away from what is left of the orchid which is now just a dried up stump and one green root.
What can I say? Is there any hope? What can a green root do with a dried up stump? It's like the heart is still there but there's no brain to pump blood to.
What do you guys think? I was thinking of getting some keiki paste for the root in the hopes that it might sprout a baby but is that even possible? I'll try anything to bring it back to life and really, at this stage, I've not much left to lose!
I'd post pictures, but I'm new here

I can't wait to show you guys though, it's so abysmal, it's kinda funny and I want to hear what you all think. I've read threads about lots of dying orchids but none have been as bad as this sorry case, in my opinion :P