Ok, so, long story short, I repotted this orchid a week ago, but the medium was going a bit mouldy. I started a thread
here and tried the cinnamon water as mentioned.
Only I think I did it all wrong (sob!), because now one of the Phals is looking very, very poorly! The very next morning (yesterday) the leaves were all sagging around the stem and now it looks all blackish and withered - and I think it may be rotting.
I took it out of the medium so I could see what was going on and, below the shrivelled looking stem, it seems quite healthy. The roots have a few black spots on them, but are firm and there's lots of green in them.
Anyway, does it look like crown rot? I wonder if I got cinnamon water in it when I did the wash with cinnamon. Still, on the bright side - the medium didn't look mouldy at all when I tipped it out!
But is there any way of saving it? This will be my 4th rescue phal this year! So I definitely want to do all I can! I've become quite an orchid addict now!