Finally budding... but have some concerns
So I adopted an orchid from a coworkers father who could not take care of it any more... Having no knowledge on orchids I took the plunge. I have had my orchid for about 10 months and she told me it would bloom in March. So it has started budding but the buds are turning brown and yellow and look like they are about to fall off anytime now. This makes me very sad because I have kept her on the same schedule as her previous parents.. they even gave me the lighting that they used for her. I really want her to bloom, I want to know what color flowers she will have and most of all I want to enjoy her beauty more than ever as she sits on my desk in my office.. Any advice or ideas... I will try and post a pick because I am also concerned that she needs to be replanted, but have not wanted to do so until after she blooms. HELP PLEASE!!!!