I am probably the only one here that wants there phal to stop blooming
one of my phals is blooming but I need to repot it the potting mix is braking down it stays wet for over a week.
so my question is what should I do. should I let it keep blooming and hope it will still have roots when its done or should I cut the stems off and repot it. I would hate to cut the stems and not let it bloom but I am scared that if I wait there will not be any roots
You could either quit watering it so often and with so much water so that it gets to dry out. Or re-pot it with the blooms on. I almost always re-pot a Phal as soon as I get it regardless of if it's in bloom. Most don't even skip a beat. You do have to be careful as the long spike can be in risk of breaking and makes it a bit more tricky. I make sure it is well tied to a stake first. If you go the first route, stick a bamboo kebab skewer down into the pot near the bottom center where it will be the wettest. Use it to monitor how wet it is and don't water until that stick is dry when you pull it out. You could try misting only the surface of the pot and it won't be so wet for so long.
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I am probably the only one here that wants there phal to stop blooming
one of my phals is blooming but I need to repot it the potting mix is braking down it stays wet for over a week.
so my question is what should I do. should I let it keep blooming and hope it will still have roots when its done or should I cut the stems off and repot it. I would hate to cut the stems and not let it bloom but I am scared that if I wait there will not be any roots
Think of it this way. If you loose the roots you stand the chance of loosing the plant or at the very least having to wait a while for it to reestablish itself. If you repot, you save the roots, the buds MAY blast, but if they do all you have to do is wait til next year for a healthy plant to bloom again.
I agree with the previous posts. It's pretty much up to you. You can be very careful with your watering and continue to enjoy the blooms or you can repot now. If you decide to repot you can either cut off the flower spike or keep it intact and hope the flowers last a while longer even after repotting. Some phlas can actually keep blooming without missing a beat, after repotting. There's really no right or wrong here, just your personal preference.