I got really excited a few days ago when I thought I found 4 new spikes on my first orchid, hooray!!! I can do this!! But now after looking at a few other post on OB I think I have 3 roots and 1 spike. Just want confirmation. What do you guys think?
PS- I hope I have enough posts to add pics.
Last edited by MollieMcP; 03-28-2013 at 12:31 PM..
You can't have a good plant for long without good roots. So your plant is doing well and you'll get to see it bloom (with patience). Good going and good growing!
very nice 1 spike and lots of roots. Its very seldom and rare to have multiple spikes when we cultivate Phals inn the home also i think you may have a NOID there not a species orchid as indicated on the title of the thread.
Well... If you guessed 1 spike and the rest roots, you were right. The roots have grown a few inches and the spike is going strong. The spike has branched a couple of times and is starting to form buds. So hopefully we will get lots and lots of flowers! I didn't stake the spike right away and now its too stiff to stand up straight. Lesson learned and will try to do better next time.
Having trouble posting pics, will try again later.