Originally Posted by caroline2306
Hi everyone
I have had this orchid for about 3 months, it had root rot and so i had to cut a lot of the affected roots. I'm not sure what to do now, any help would be much appreciated.
Hi Caroline,
It depends on how much you want to invest into this Phal.
I'd say, if you really are enthusiastic about saving it - the good news is that it appears green and still has one remaining root.
With that you could try to pot it in a very tiny pot, like a cough medicine cup type (you'll need to drill some holes in the bottom, of course), place some sphag around the base and keep it steadily moist but not wet -for a couple of months. It might regroup and start growing roots. You would need to have at least 3 inches of root mass before the Phal can be repotted in a regular way.
Things might go the other way - the Phal might lose that last root and then you can either try sphag-n-bag method or - toss it out and start all over again.
Sphag-n-bag method mainly boils down to providing humidity around the plant by keeping it in a closed glass container or a plastic bag, while the plant tries to grow new roots.
It might take between 2 to 5 months, and success is not garanteed.
So.. again it's up to you and your appetite for a challenge!
Hopefully, this provides some directions that you're looking for.