Hi there, again.
so, i have my gravel floor in the shade house so now i am thinking about some sort of
misting irrigation system and to keep humidity high.
I have the option of installing a pretty basic sprinkler system from bits and pieces of left over stuff from my vege-garden. i could put this under the benches and use it exclusively to wet the floor of the shade house in an attempt to raise humidy. At the moment i am soaking the floor with a hose in the morning and late afternoon.
Option 2 would be to purchase a
misting system which I would attach to the roof of the shade house and run off of a tap timer to run a few times a day for short periods.
I do understand there is a debate as to wether
misting or fogging is best for humidity but save buying an expensive fogger I cant think any other option.
can anyone here help me out on this one before I go out and buy anything?
thank you (once more)
p.s. I live in west australia and we are experiencing 35deg + every day/ - hence my genuine need to raise the humidity.

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