odds and ends
For those who have been on here for awhile. The first pic. I took a nearly dead catt pbulb group and tried a little experiment. Here is the result so far after 6 months. This will go into pot in spring. Also something for the newbees on watering and the hardiness of orchids. Orchids are very hardy. Some of them languish in dryness for months waiting for the rainy season. This is what we call the rest period which some catts and other orchid species need to do well. For some this is say a month and for others it is 3 months. Here is a mounted specimen which gets no water for a week at a time in the winter due to how cold it gets in my unheated greenhouse/shadehouse which gets down to 30*f at times. It does fine. The next pic is a year from mounting one pbulb that was nearly dead. The other pic is a group of different orchids. There's a phal, couple catts and a laelia in there. Also a couple others which are small and were added in the fall. Again this group gets very little water in winter due to the cold. When I do water them it is in the morning so that they dry by late afternoon. And then an Epidendrun "ciliare" on my palm tree. Gets too much sun but flowers nicely at end of summer. My dad pulled it's great/great/great/great........grandparent off a tree during a transit of the panama canal in 1949 and I have the progeny. Also in here is some lava rock which makes great media and little chance of root rot setting in because there is no where for it to hide out once the rock is dry. Also a catt which has sprouted a keiki where a flower would have grown. Don't know what I'll do with it. Kinda voodoo-ish. Just a couple odds and ends for you.
Last edited by james mickelso; 04-05-2014 at 11:35 PM..