Broken Leaf and Bruising
(See picture link pg 2) I 'rescued' my first orchids from Lowe's discount plant rack. They were $1.00 each (phal's), had mealy bugs, hadn't been watered in who knows how long as their wrinkled, puckered leaves were crying out for could I pass them up?
I've had them for about 6 weeks now. The bugs are gone, the leaves are plump, and they're happy in my bedroom with west and north facing windows.
My question is that one of the leaves was bent in half when I purchased it, and now it seems like a bruise is spreading from this crease. Should I just cut the leaf off? Or trim below the bruise-saving what portion of the leaf I can?
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by ColfaxWife; 12-20-2012 at 11:46 PM..