I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help
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Old 11-20-2012, 10:26 PM
Blackcatbones Blackcatbones is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help
Default I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help

Nothing specific I just need some advice.
My orchids have come to me from many different sources.
The majority I rescued from my mothers window.
All off them are quite ratty... Ive nursed some back from the brink and others are still struggling. Im fighting an ongoing battle with scale aphids and mealybugs.
I am going to try and post some pictures in a moment...
Please have a look and give me any and all thoughts/advise you may have. Some of these plants seem to be getting worse every day.
Thank you!
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Old 11-20-2012, 10:51 PM
Blackcatbones Blackcatbones is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help
Default Test pics..

I hope this works!
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-onc01-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-paph01-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-paph02-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-onc02-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-onc03-jpg  

I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-onc04-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-phal03-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-phal01-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-phal02-jpg   I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help-sam01-jpg  

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Old 11-20-2012, 10:52 PM
greengarden greengarden is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help

How are you treating the aphids and mealies?
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Old 11-20-2012, 11:32 PM
Blackcatbones Blackcatbones is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help

Im not sure where to begin...
All of them are in spagnum moss covered in a layer of pre soaked orchid bark.
I allow them all to dry out a bit between watering and they get water once a week by soaking and top watering. Tap water... unfortunately the tap water is also a bit crunchy with calcium and what not.
Room temp 65-74 F Cant go outside too cold 10 months of the year. Window and room light. And thats about all I know about them.

I have Paphiopedilums, Oncidiums, Phaleonopsis, Cymbidiums and a Neofineta

Most were re-potted last year but now have fresh roots growing out of the pots.

The Oncidiums:
Some are yellowing and wilting, some have small black spots, some have smooth full looking bulbs while most have very shriveled bulbs. Could fullness of the bulbs be related to hydration ?

The Paphiopedilums: I know very little about this species...one is slightly yellowing, both are kind of pale and sickly looking. Im not sure if Paph leaves are normally like this or is something wrong ? its like they are kind of soft and floppy.

The Cymbidiums: They seem to hang on the best I cant think of much wrong with these off hand.

The Phaleonopsis: Being attacked like crazy with mealy bugs. lots of air roots or poor root growth in general. I tend to have problems with the roots of this species dieing. Some were too damp and got root rot... that led me too allowing them to dry between watering. Still roots die for other reasons I cant figure out. Leaves will turn soft and deeply creased sometimes similar to when they get root rot from over watering... when this happens I know its all downhill for that plant. No attempt seems to save it.

I dont know if they are properly potted. I was shown how to pot a Phaleonopsis and I just plant them all like that. Moss/rootball... orchid bark. To allow draining im told.

My Neofineta is one of my favorites I aquired it last summer. I keep it in a cool window and let it dry out between watering. It came with scale bugs. Soft I think. I pick them off with a toothpick when I see them. They dont seem to do much to the plant.
I am worried though because this plant is looking worse slowly over time.

I have loved orchids all my life and spend much time working with them but my luck is hit or miss. Sometimes they grow like mad and bloom constantly other times I can barely keep them alive.
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Old 11-20-2012, 11:37 PM
Blackcatbones Blackcatbones is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help

Originally Posted by greengarden View Post
How are you treating the aphids and mealies?
I wash the aphids off they are pretty easy to take care of.
The mealies I crush them when I see them or use a Qtip with rubbing alcohol. My goal is to keep killing them as I see them until the generations run out.
Same for the scale on my wind orchid I pick them off with a toothpick and crush them. I also rinse plants under room temp water from time to time.
I used Safers spray as well. It seemed to help but it also seemed to make the plants sick.
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Old 11-21-2012, 09:07 AM
cbuchman cbuchman is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help Female

I do what Blackcatbones does. I could have written that myself
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Old 11-21-2012, 01:18 PM
SlipperGirl SlipperGirl is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help Female

blackcatbones did you go in and cut off the bad roots? If you do have root rot you will want to do that.

Also I think you pot your phaleonopsis different from your other plants.
Its sounds like you are getting rid of the pest like you should.

I hope this helps and dont give up.
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Old 11-21-2012, 02:20 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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I have a number of random orchids and they are in desperate need of help

I'm pretty new to this myself, so take this with a pinch of salt but...

They look like they are generally in pots that are a bit too big. This can be a problem as it means they don't dry out quick enough. It's better to pot them in pots just big enough to get the roots in. The phals will also like clear pots. Choose pots with plenty of drainage, and/or punch extra holes.

You say you are using mostly moss? I don't generally use it as it doesn't dry out fast enough (it depends how dry your house is...). Maybe consider changing at least the phals to bark? Also moss degrades fast: I believe it needs changing every year at least.

The water: I have hard water, and find most of my orchids seem to be fine with it. Many paphs like it. However you should maybe check with your local orchid group if there is one, as it's possible your water is not just hard: it may have other stuff in it. Water that has been softened is bad for orchids.

Also if you are watering with hard water you must be sure to flush the pots at every watering to stop salts building up. (You might also need to change the medium more often because of this). I always take mine to the draining board and run water through then let them drain before putting them back in their places. It's also good to let water you are going to use stand for a few hours before using it: this allows some adatives to evaporate off.

When to water: with phals in clear pots in bark wait until the roots inside the pot turn silvery before watering. Oncids need to be kept just a little damper: I tend to wait until visible roots on top of the medium are looking a bit white and papery, that way I get them just before they dry out totally. I think Paphs are similar to oncids, but of course you don't see the roots on them! (And I'm newer to them).

If you've not fed them they might apreciate a feed too, especially the Paphs. Try and get food intended for orchids is the simplest, or you'll have to ask someone else for advice on that!

And can we have a list of what plants you have? Lucky you to get a load of plants with labels!!!!
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