This is my second try at orchid growing. i received a Den. phalaenopis var. compactum and all of the blooms turned papery and fell off. Since the humidity was okay( per a bunch of books) and the temp. was good, I am lost as to what happened and what to do now. I also received a oncidium, Sharry Baby. It seems okay but the flowers are now beginning to fall as well. I check the medium with a moisture meter and have not over watered them. I got them from an orchid only greenhouse/nursery and those are the names listed on their tags. Any information would be great. Again, I have very little experience with growing orchids.
Thank you, in advance,
Thank you. I was really woried when I got these. I have great uck with ferns and succulents but I was never able to keep orchids alive. Most of the books are very well written but are a bit scientific. I have questions that I cannot find a simple answer to using those books. Any suggestions for an informative but user friendly book?
Orchids for Dummies is a decent one. I have also been going thru "the Orchid Whisperer", but not too far in yet. I met the author earlier this year (why I got the book). He knows his stuff, and book is written towards new growers, I just haven't read enough to say yet. Others may have other suggestions.