My crazy Phal, Dtps. Queen Beer 'Tiny Doll' is working on yet another spike.
This guy has been blooming/spiking since I purchased it in Mars and I'm starting to worry that it's going to bloom itself to death.
It's growing well overall and has gotten 3-4 leaves and plenty of roots since I got it home, but can it really take blooming so much without any real rest in between?
Should I let the newest spike mature or should I cut it?
You are one lucky Chap !
I would like to have an ever blooming Phal....
if the leaves and the roots are still growing like crazy....and its giving you spikes and more blooms...why be worried?
You have a happy healthy plant that loves to give you flowers....
Don't cut it off and let it bloom if it has produced new growth then that means it has a lot of stored up energy to support the flower growth. I would suggest cutting it right down after this flush of flowering though. In the meantime keep up with the feeding and allow plenty of bright light and enjoy the blooms
Grrrr.. pet peeve. Only orchid growers could possibly get worriied because their orchids are too healthy. Healthy mature orchid plants can't 'bloom themselves to death'. It just does not happen. If they are not strong enough to contimue blooming they will stop. Sometimes a too young or weak plant will attempt to bloom, and that might noy be a good idea, but it clearly does not apply to your plant.
What sometimes happens is that people stop caring for a plant in continuous bloom. They take it from the well lit window and put it in a dark corner because it looks good there. They think they can't repot it in bloom so they let the roots rot in old media gone bad. They get complacent and stop watching for problems. Then the plant goes downhill and they claim it bloomed itself to death because they can't admit they screwed up. Just keep giving it the excellent care you have clearly been giving it and enjoy.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 09-26-2012 at 10:46 PM..
I agree with PhapMadMan as long as you take care of the Phal it will have a constant supply of energy also I would like to point out that the Phals will give you signs as to when they have had enough of blooms. I have a Phal that has 2 spikes which I cut back then it threw up another new spike from the base so now there are 3 spikes. On the new spike there is no more mitten shape growth usually on a spike there is a mitten shape on the tip which continues to produce more blooms. This Phal is telling me it will not produce any more flowers after these ones ( refer to pic ) so after these blooms are done blooming i will cut all spikes down.
graet plant mutant! yeah id leave it! haha the only time i would cut one, is if i were in your situation and the older spikes kept growing longer and the blooms didnt display as well as they would on a fresh spike. then i would cut it (assuming there is a spike already starting new)