Phal. Violacea--advice needed
This Phal. violacea came to me with live roots, but dryish and not very happy ones that looked like they'd all been cut previously--just blunt healed ends, no growing tips. The roots were staying dry and not responding in bark, so I took her in for a consult at an orchid greenhouse, and they repotted in sphagnum. After a week, I started getting nervous about the looked like it was staying way too wet. Hemmed and hawed a couple extra days which turned out to be long enough to lose a couple of roots to rot. I took off the ones that were goners, and let the plant dry for a day and a half. Including a few pics here for your feedback. That one large root in the last two pics...would you leave it alone and pot as is? I hate to cut off anymore roots, but don't want to pot one that is trouble waiting to happen either.