Phal flower stalk - to cut or not to cut?
Hello all...
My boyfriend just bought me a beautiful Phal with deep purple colored flowers. Of course it was potted in Sphag moss and the plant looked pretty healthy, but definitely in need of a repot. I finally broke down and bought some quality potting media from, and repotted it (even though it would have been better to wait until the Spring). A couple of the older flowers have started to wilt, but there are new buds still opening. From what I understand, typically Phals should be growing new leaves and roots at this time of year, not blooming.
My question is whether or not to cut the flower stalks in order to try and keep the plant on a regular bloom cycle or just relax and let the plant "do it's thing." I'll try and post some pictures, but I'm using my phone for this post, so I don't know if I'll be able to.