I had a nice orchid (LC mari's song x mini purple) about to bloom and then one of those evil alien slimeballs of the universe snails ate one side of the flowers (I found the evil bas#@$d and after a fierce struggle he was vanquished). It originally had three flowers but two were so badly injured they didn't suvive and fell off. I was hopeful this one would make it but the evil one put the evil eye on it and it was headed out the door of life too. So I cut off the outer petals/sepals ( I always forget which is which) and hope it will not need as much osmotic pressure to open for a last beautiful gasp. Here is the picture of hope...
Last edited by james mickelso; 04-05-2014 at 11:44 PM..
Oh, that must have been heartbreaking to find the damage those evil things did to your plant! I hope it puts multiple new leads for you this year, so next year you can enjoy lots of gorgeous blooms.
On the other note, I really like your plant's tag
I get them at Graingers Industrial Supply. They are aluminum with paper in between so you can impress data on it with anything. I just use pen. They last for years. They are about $20 per hundred and they also come with stainless steel wire to attach them with. Impresso Tags. Graingers is on the web and ship. I think there is one around you Lana.
Thank you so much for that info! I googled them, and I LOVE them! Time to get me some new tags... especially since I can't find my barely started bag of plastic ones