Brassias as well as most oncidium alliance orchids like bright filtered light. But never full sun as their leaves burn easily. 70-80 degrees day and 50-60 night. They like to be slightly damp all the time but never soggy. Don't let them dry out completely. What type media is your brassia potted in? If in a spagnum moss or coconut husk type media, water when the pot is starting to get light when you lift it. If in a medium bark type mix, water once a week. The problem with the denser media like spagnum moss and coconut husk is that the outside and top may be dry but the inside center part will remain wet and soggy which will kill the fine roots and then the plant will start to decline and not much can save it short of repotting and praying. And because the roots dry and die on the outside, they can't adsorb water and neither can the roots on the inside center because those have stayed to soggy and died back too. Once a month run lots of water through the mix to wash out any extra nitrates. Once your brassia has finished flowering, stop fertilizing altogether, and watering very much until you see new growth coming up next to the old growth. Once this growth starts, water lightly. As the new growth gets going (one inch and more) start fertilizing lightly and as the growth gets bigger, fertilize a little more. When the growth is mature (stops getting any bigger), switch to a food with more phospherus and potassium (the second and thrid number being larger than the first on the food label). The leaves should be a medium green and stand upright. If they start to get limp and fall down then raise the light level up a bit. Have fun. Keep us informed. And please do go to the AOS or RHS site and read the tips sheet for your orchid.