Well water vs. rainwater vs. distilled water for orchids
Hi Everyone!
I've found that rainwater doesn't last me nearly as long as I need--my little collection is growing and I don't reuse to prevent disease transmission--and purchasing 3 gallons of distilled water per week is getting kind of ridiculous.
The water in our aquifer was tested a few years ago by the state and I can't find the darn results! I do recall that the water is rather acidic (want to say in the 6 to high 5 range) and we have no problem at all with scale.
Is it safe to use well water on orchids? Can I use it as a last resort when I'm out of rainwater and distilled water?
Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Last edited by ElenaMarie; 04-17-2012 at 11:15 AM..