So my very 1ST Phal NOID orchid has a brown spike now. I repotted it about a 1 month ago. After 1 week, I clipped the spike and dabbed some cinnamon on the opened end. Also the leaves are spreading away from each other. Is that normal? You can see them below.
Well, my Orchid I was trying to bring back died. It is sad, but I am still going strong. I recently got a very small orchid from Lowe's. It was on the sale rack with some others. All being very healthy for some odd reason, besides some minor problems, such as no flowers, a dark spot or two, a yellow spot on the leaf, etc. This was the only one that had some dark spots. And yes, I know it needs to be re-potted, but I want some input before I do. The leaves look great and it has
5 leaves and 2 spikes.
A full picture of it.
Size comparsion. Also you can see my 1st orchid, where the leaves are spreading away from each other.
A flower. It is smaller than 2 fingers.
Back on the Orchid, showing all the leaves.
Dark Spot on A leaf. Only leaf that has a dark spot.
Dark Spot on the "base"