It general usage grex usually just means the same as cross or hybrid. Paph Saint Swithin is the grex name of the hybrid produced by crossing Paph philippinense and Paph rosthchilianum. The terms are not exactly synonyms, but close enough.
And Paph Saint Swithin indeed has many awarded cultivars, but it was registered in 1901 and has been re-made many times so it has had over a century to accumulate them. As the primary hybrid of 2 of the most spectacular multifloral Paph species it should be expected that it is well appreciated by many Paph lovers, but that doesn't mean that every single plant is noteworthy.
It is a pretty commonly available hybrid and shouldn't be difficult to find. If I were looking for one I'd start with an internet search and you should find some sources. Someone may have a specific vendor to recommend, but look at several others before you buy if you can. Almost every commercial grower and breeder that works with the multifloral Paphs probably has a few. But unless you find someone with a batch of immature seedlings to sell it will probably be expensive. The plants are large and somewhat slow to mature. And any seedling you buy is more apt to be average than award quality. You might find a division of an awarded plant for sale but that would usually be very expensive.
Before up decide to purchase one make sure you can provide the large space, warm temps, humidity and rather bright light it needs.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 04-20-2012 at 08:56 PM..