Thank you everyone for your advice, after some further searching on OB and looking at what some other members tried in a similar situation I decided against re-potting just yet. I felt it was better to get new roots established first, in a manner that would allow me to easily track root growth.
Instead I lined the bottom of a cake tin with stones and expanded clay pellets (I didn't have quite enough stones to thoroughly line the pan). I then placed a layer of bark on top of which the phal is resting upon with a little sphag laying loosely on top of the roots. I added a small amount of water to the pan and I plan on coupling this with
misting twice a day. I located this on top of my entertainment center which is near my ceiling fan in hopes that the fan will provide the air flow needed for my makeshift humidity tray.
On a side note, in my search today for rooting hormones I ran across a sad phal on a clearance rack at my local Lowes. It was packed in sphag and over potted. Most of the roots were dried husks and the leaves are floppy and wilted. However while examining I noticed that it has started putting out 4 new roots above the medium and two more nubs are pushing through the leaf on the stem. I felt this phal was a fighter and I was going to give it a fighting chance. So for $5 I have a new rescue and a nice new unglazed clay pot.
As for treatment I trimmed the dead roots off of both and soaked them in hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes. After that was a 15 minute soak in super thrive, a treatment with Listerine, and applied cinnamon to the fresh cuts. On the new phal I also cut off both flower spikes and the two lower most leaves of the 4 it had. I wasn't sure if the leaves can still photosynthesize despite being wilted but I thought I read somewhere that they can.
I'm ordering a heating mat this weekend for these two to help give them the best chance at success. I've included some pictures and I'm open to suggestions if there are any tweaks needed in set-up or if I have made an egregious error.
First pic is NoID phal in new set-up, second is of the new phal's roots after trimming, third the new phal in set-up, and the forth is the flower that was on the new phal. Thanks again everyone for your help!

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