After posting about my P. equestris aurea that went to Phal heaven yesterday, I want to share some happy news with you guys as well.
I bought a P. equestris rosea and a P. schilleriana from the same seller as the P. equestris aurea. These guys have been doing fine, especially the rosea that as been busy working on getting some new roots. The P. schilleriana has been busy doing...nothing.
It was sent to me bare root and I potted it immediately into bark, but did such a poor job of it that it almost fell out of its pot later on. I re-potted it into my pine bark, sphagnum, and perlite mix this time and it has not been disturbed since. The day before yesterday I noticed a new little root poking out of the stem and today I spotted another one
and a new leaf! I'm sooo happy! I was uncertain if it would like being with me considering it's a mature and well established species Phal, but now I feel a bit more confident.
It seems as long as the Phals aren't afflicted with something when they come to me I can care for them. It's my reviving skills I need to develop.