sruther4d |
07-07-2015 06:37 AM |
I use bark mix for catts and sphag for phals and my 2 sharry babys and am pretty successful. For the phals, I put a layer of stone in the bottom for ballast, add a layer of white peanut packing, a layer of moss, put the plant in with a some of peanuts in and around the root cluster and a fill the pot with moss. Water once a week, unless they are outside (like now), feed once a month. Have had no problems re-blooming NOIDs with a low mortality rate (2 lost to crown rot in the past 3 years out of 20+ plants). A little neglect can go a long way to keeping them happy. My dad, who has grown orchids professionally in the past, is jealous.
My 2 cents.