Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides & insecticides?
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides & insecticides?
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Old 02-16-2012, 10:18 PM
Enjru Enjru is offline
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides &amp; insecticides?
Default Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides & insecticides?

Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require a regular program of spraying with fungicides and insecticides?

Last edited by Enjru; 07-14-2012 at 10:36 AM..
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Old 02-17-2012, 02:11 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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It would be best if you waited to spray your fungicides and insecticides until you actually have a reason to do so.
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Old 02-17-2012, 02:33 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides &amp; insecticides?

I have lots of paph in a regular home setting, which is rather dry compared to the next to a pond setting. Anyway, none of my paphs have been sprayed with anything and do fine without suffering any disease.

As for miltoniopsis, I just got my first miltoniopsis, so I can't really comment on it.
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Old 02-17-2012, 09:43 AM
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides &amp; insecticides? Male

In my opinion, NO orchids needs regular spraying with fungicides or insecticides. However, as you will be growing them outdoors, that can change things.

Unless inside of a screened enclosure, of course they will be accessible to insects, but preventive spraying does not work.

If they are not covered, rains might be an issue for fungi, but again, preventive treatment us more-or-less useless.

If you decide to put the plants "in harms way", you have to deal with the consequences, but if you provide some minimal protection from rains, and remain diligent about their state, you should have no major issues with either, although I will question paphs and cooler-growing miltoniopsis being grown together.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 02-17-2012, 10:22 AM
Discus Discus is offline
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides &amp; insecticides? Male

I'd also say "regular" spraying isn't really required - be vigilant and attend to any issues that crop up.

The only plants I've come across that seem to require living in some kind of aseptic area unless regularly sprayed are Disa. I cannot keep them alive (I've so far killed several hybrid unifloras, some tripetaloides and some bivalvata, the latter two were OK for a while out of flask, and then snuffed it from fungus after a couple of months), they just get fungus and die, and I see no reason to spray a plant with a pesticide on a monthly basis just to keep it alive! I spoke to a commercial grower some time back, and he also commented that Disa and fungi are just not friends and always had to keep his eye open (and regularly treat for) fungi.

I suspect you'll find quite a few orchids fairly hardy in your climate - my guess would be things like cymbidiums and many oncidiums. It's probably worth seeking out a local orchid society.
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Old 02-18-2012, 12:49 AM
Enjru Enjru is offline
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Do Paphs and Miltoniopsis require regular spraying with fungicides &amp; insecticides?


Last edited by Enjru; 07-14-2012 at 10:39 AM..
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fungicides, insecticides, miltoniopsis, regular, spraying, require, paphs

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