I found a beautiful Vanda Robert's Delight Pachara 'Red Fuchsia' the tag said, it just finished blooming and the plant its self is 2ft tall with about 2ft long roots in an open pot. It is currently high 60's to medium 80's outside, is it to cold to have outside? Any care suggestions?
Your temperatures are perfect for vanda growing right now. The books say you should never expose a vanda to weather below 50 F. If your temperatures are going to dip to 50 degrees (including wind chill factor) bring them indoors to prevent damage. I grow my vandas in open baskets and I water them almost every morning (unfortunately they're kind of high maintenance). Every other morning is probably OK. I spray them with a weak liquid fertilizer once a week. They need a lot of light but not quite full sun. Underneath a pool screen works well or find a spot where it will get direct light in the morning and some shade during mid-day. They do well during our hot humid Florida summers.