I have had to face the sad fact that I really don't understand fertilization. Can you help? I need you to be as layperson as you can with your responses...
1. What brand of fertilizer should I use when a plant is resting? What kind for flowering? Just saying 30-10-10 freaks me out. When I get overwhelmed by not understanding technical jargon, my first instinct is to crawl into bed and pass out from fear.
2. What are the exact steps for fertilizing? Such as 1.) fill pail with a gallon of water... I don't have a gallon of water each time I've attempted fertilizing, so I usually just "guess" at the ratio and then dump in the fert water. Do I rinse with clean water after? Leave only fert water in? Now of course you are starting to get the picture about how little I know about fertilizing.

As for basic watering, I hold the babies under the tap and flush it through for a while until it looks good and wet. If I have to set down the pot in the sink to do the fert solution, will this hurt the plant? Is the germy sink bad for the plant? And if I do this with more than one plant, will they "infect" each other or bother each other in any such way if their bottoms sit on the same "toilet"?
3. Does "weekly weakly" mean to NOT follow the instrux of ratio to water on the package?
4. Does one orchid need that whole gallon mix or can you split it up between all the orchids? How much does each orchid need?
5. If I'm not thinking of a question, feel free to give extra information.
My plants: Brassia Eternal Wind, phal NOID, phal brother sara gold, 5 minis (which I never seem to water enough, so they'll probably all be dead soon), including a ghost orchid but I can't remember the other technical names right now...
Thank you,
The Bad Fert Girl