Hello everyone,
I grow native New Zealand orchids (here in NZ) and they just do fine outside (as they should). I am new to non-native orchids and have just acquired 3 Phals for the price of half of one. The chap at the local hardware store wanted them gone as their vigor was decreasing (I wonder why...haha). While I have grown with artificial lighting before, I have not orchids.
I would like to start these plants of with a great start, so here is a description of my environment/seasonality, followed by a general observations of the individuals. Sorry I haven't posted photos (can't find my SD card!!

), yet my descriptive ability probably trumps my photography skills anyway! Please feel free to pick at/comment in anything I say, it all helps.
Locality climate: Temperate
Outside summer avg. temp = 15c
" " winter avg. temp = 5c
Inside my room the average day/night temps = 20/13c
Humidity = 50%+
Plants are positioned in an E/NE window (morning sun), however will have a t5 fixture arriving in a week (4ft 2x bulbs fitted with 1 cool 1 warm), will run them 14hrs a day, will acclimate them to lighting accordingly. Hoping this will maintain a higher day temperature too.
I picked the three plants that showed variety in colour and seemed in best health, based on root and leaf observation. However I do have some concerns so please comment on what you think.
All three are in bloom (Its mid-summer, is this out of season?) and in standard clear plastic pots with side slits etc. There appears to be small green slow release fert. granules.
The first is showing lots of good healthy roots, the ones within the pot are green, aerials are greyish. The leaves, of which are 5, are a medium green, however are beginning to loose their rigidity (turgidity?), one large rigid leaf has a bit of a buckle/kink in it. No leaf crown. The medium green spike shows 13 bud sites and a terminal which looks as it may keep growing. Of these bud sites the first three have full blooms, 4th is gone/empty/a white pit, three more blooms, another white pit, 2 very small bits of browned out growth, then what looks like to be developing buds there on.
The second, lots of green roots, no obvious browning , however some look like they have "collapsed" inside the pot. Aerial roots are few, some of which are beige , new root growth forming from basal crown. Leaves are of 8, the bottom two SLIGHTLY fading/yellowing, the bottom most is wrinkling and soft.There is a leaf crown, however it looks slightly damaged (have made sure to keep it dry). Flower spike has 8 bud sites, and one terminal. First bud is just pitted white hole, 2 bud full bloom, 3/4th half open, 5th open, buds there on out are white pitted holes/have dropped, terminal bud looks upto nothing.
The third is a bit worse off. Looks like the roots have been damaged, while there are some vigorous green ones in the pot, there is definitely rot and Loss of aerial roots. Of the 5 leaves, all are showing purpling at the base. The bottom smallest leave has died, the 2nd is very soft and flaccid, and the rest are following suit, until the top which is OK

. The spike has branched into three, shows growing terminal tips however lots of dropped bud and all 4 flowers are wilting, 1 of which is drying out!
I will be watering with RO/DI water, when I notice no condensation in the pot. The only fert. I have on hand is fish emulsion.
Thanks to whomever took the time to read this and even more to those who offer their thoughts.