I have some sort of Onc. that was given to me after it bloomed, and all I know for sure is that it isn't a miniature, and that the flowers were white and some other color. (I had seen it on my bosses desk when she first got it as gift) Anyway, I've had it about 5 months. I repotted it in S/H, using Ray's methods and meduims (hydroton but it's named something else) It is on a heat mat, and is with several other phals. The plant looks good, and through the glass (it's in a clear glass vase that I drilled holes into an inch and a half from the bottom) I can see the scant beginnings of new roots in there. But, what I also see is that the leaves, although a nice healthy green, are curling inwards. They are standing up straight, not limp, but they're sort of 'closing up' on themselves. What is causing this?