Ok, So all of a sudden this new orchid I bought did this...One of the leaves below the affected one is fine but and the top ones are ok..although I think one is getting affected too...anyway, can someone please tell me what this is and what to do about it. I have had it for two weeks only... Thanks for the Help!
I don't think so...It sits on my window sill with 4 others and this is the only one with this problem. It also has a heater a couple feet below that keeps the temp from freezing...
ETA just checked the window temp and it is reasonable..
It is in Moss and an orchid pot (lotsa holes). It is not sitting in water and the roots are firm and green....not rot..??? It started as a brownish rim around the leaves then that yellow pattern then the brown mushy bit....Really weird since it started on the middle leaves... The temp is 20 in the day and probably 16-18 at night....though probably closer to 18..celsius.
Sorry, I don't know what it could be then. Maybe you should contact the vendor and describe the symptoms in case more of theirs have developed it. Then you might get an idea if its contagious. I would isolate it till you figure it out.
Doesn't sound like anything that would stress it. I'm not familiar with any of the bacterial rots so hopefully someone else will have seen this. I would get it away from the others in the mean time.
it looks like brown rot. it could be anything but from my previous experiences it looks like this and spreads fast so dont touch ANYTHING or it can get it too. i went on vacation 5 days ago and came back to my dendrobium infected with it. im keeping a close eye