I have a NOID den that I let someone take care of while I was away. It got over watered and at this point all the leaves have fallen off. I'm left with just the cane but it is still firm and not mushy or soft. Is there anyway I can get this baby to survive or is it just a lost cause at this point? I took a look at the roots and it doesn't look like I have anything healthy.
I have read that laying the cane down on damp moss can possibly result in a keiki... is this true?
Last edited by dreamiebloo; 11-22-2011 at 04:51 PM..
yes, cut the cane into section then dip each end into a rooting hormone. After that place them in a covered tray (clear cover) with damp moss. Keep the tray in a warm place out of direct sunlight for a few weeks/months until you see some life. Good luck!!
With a good cane(s), it could initiate new growth.
Nobile types have lots more nodes and more likely to keiki than phal type (tho they can and do keiki). A pic would also help us to tell what type of Den it is
some Dendrobiums lose their leaves when they are on rest period...and they produce flowers on the nodes of the canes in the spring...be careful in cutting it;
but we dont know what kind of Den. that is...unless you show us a picture
Kind of looks like a Nobile cane but I can't tell from the photo if it is a Nobile or a sad Phal type Dend. When you got it did it have flowers on a spray near the tip or clusters of 1-3 down the cane?
Some might disagree but I wouldn't chop it up. Get rid of the moss and some of the worst roots, pot in fresh medium, and water carefully. Some of the dead looking roots may branch but you can still get a sprout from new eye even if they are all gone.
I hope someone else can ID the type as the temperature and dormancy requirements differ. If no one does be conservative in your water and temp and it will likely live anyway. Rainshadow