I think that's what got mine going, a drop in temps at night. It was in early October when I started noticing the new growth, as nightly temps started dipping into the low 60's and upper 50's.
Here's a little showcase:
new spikes.
About fertilizing, my eyes glaze over on looking into all that nitrogen calculating. Seems a bit overkill unless you're a professional or very experienced grower of many orchids. If most do fairly well without fertilizer for the first year or two, then I like to think just a little help now and then is probably enough. Don't make the mistake of getting Miracle Gro. It's quite frowned upon here, because of the nitrogen formulation in it.
That "Orchid Focus" mentioned by
Starla sounds terrific, with what seems to be nice formulations for growth and blooming periods. It's on "that auction site" for $22 shipped for a set of 2 8oz bottles (bloom and growth). You can also buy them individually. I've just bought a set, as I've been dragging my feet too long on trying to decide what to use.