So I'm not overly keen on buying plants without a proper name, or buying without some inkling of what I'm getting any more. However this was going cheap cheap (sing birdies sing).
Now the Label reads “COEL. MICKOLOTZII” (all capitals). So I did a search with no results, but the closest match was Coelogyne micholotzii which results with these links - being the best from what I can work out. Yet neither has specific information on this plant.
Wilhelm Micholitz
Cool-Growing Coelogyne Culture

Is this a Synonym of another plant?
Am I looking in the wrong direction?
Is it a Hybrid?
Can I treat it the same as a different Coelogyne?
Is there another answer (jokes allowed as long as they are amusing

Any help on this would be appreciated, as I like to document culture notes on Orchids I have where possible. I feel like I can't see the woods for the trees.
Thank you in advance and sorry about the quality of the pictures attached!