Hi there! I just bought my first orchid ever yesterday, from Wegmans. It's a little one, 2". I've done hours and hours of research between last night and today, and I feel a lot more educated, however I do have some questions and was hoping you could help?

I'll try to divide them coherently and be thorough.
Firstly, the price tag on my orchid said "Phalaenopsis" so I assumed, at first, that it was a Phal. However, also stuck in the pot was little white tag that reads the following: "Dtps. Long Pride Green Pixie" ... could someone explain what this means? Just what kind of orchid do I have, exactly? Heh.
Next up, my little orchid came potted in what I'm assuming is this sphag moss that everyone is saying is bad for it. I'm afraid to repot it because it's in bloom. But should I do this anyway? I'm in love with this plant and want it to thrive forever, and am willing to do whatever is absolutely best for it. If repotting and buying a different kind of potting material would be best, I'll definitely do it right away!
Also, in my pictures, the leaves are curling a little bit downwards. Is this an early warning sign or something I should be concerned of?
And then one last thing (until I remember the other questions I had, haha) ... as you can see you can see in my pictures, I made a little home-made humidity tray because I read online that they help the plant. Does mine seem acceptable? It's in that blue-green dish, with some water on the bottom and little pink marbles. The plant is sitting on the marbles, just slightly above the water level. Also, I read that orchids like moving air? I have my bedroom fan nearby, pointing somewhat towards it (not directly at it, but in it's general direction) and running on the lowest setting. Is this okay for the plant? Good, bad?
In the one picture that's more of a close up of the flowers, you can see that I have a bud. Does that bud look healthy? Should I expect it to bloom? Also, what is to the right of the bud in the image? It's a strange nubby thing that's a slightly darker green color than the rest of the plant.
Did I pick out a decent, healthy orchid, do you guys think? Or do I have my work cut out with this one?
Thank you for the help in advance, and for making this website such a wealth of knowledge and advice for newbies like me. (: Also, I hope my pictures are attaching right!
Many thanks!
- Brit