You know, those roots are very fine. Typically, you want to match the size of the potting medium to the diameter of the roots. The grade of bark you're using looks like it would be a lot more suitable for a much thicker-rooted orchid! I'd consider changing the medium to a finer one (maybe seedling grade bark) and keep my usual watering frequency, making sure of course that I drench thoroughly each time I water.
The good news is that your plants are putting out new growth and roots and so are ready to transition into a new medium, if you decide to repot. And, since it's pretty clear that your problem is underwatering and not rot, your plants should rapidly recover once they begin receiving adequate water. (The dying pseudobulbs aren't going to recover, though--but leave them be for now since the plant is still drawing nourishment from them).
EDIT: Titi, I thought this was a continuation of the other thread you posted. Probably my response doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of THIS thread.