the skewers are great! I can't take credit for the idea - saw it posted here! Been using them since (at least a couple of years) - and they have been extremely helpful to me!
yes, bamboo skewers (for kabobs, can get them at grocery store, very inexpensive) - gently twist one into the media - if in a plastic pot, I try for midway between center and rim of pot, tho further either way is ok, just not at the very outer edge - to check for moisture, pull skewer out, touch it to your cheek or upper lip (guess the skin on those areas is more sensitive to feeling the moisture) - if it feels moist, or even just cool there is moisture in the pot. It seems Milltassias (at least mine) like to be a bit moist (but not soggy), so water before the skewer feels dry. Replace the skewer into the same place you removed it from to avoid damaging roots.
I'd probably start with increasing watering to twice a week - but the skewer can tell you better than I can
If the skewer feels wet (rather than just very lightly moist), I'd wait, you can check again in a day or two. With the unseasonably 'cool' weather we have been having (highs in the 70s), I water maybe twice a week - tho with the unusually low high temps, night time is very cool (mid to upper 50s) and quite humid - yours may need a bit more water
I usually drench mine once a week, then the midweek watering not as thoroughly - might just use a sprayer to spray water into media til it starts running out the bottom, but not a drenching.