I'll just give you my vote - not as advice - but as personal experience. I
used to grow mine outside during summer (made the deck look great

but each time I moved them back in for winter (yes we do that here

) I had to clean the bugs off them and out of the mix. Last summer was the clincher - we had a hail storm that wiped out my Phal collection, except for one salvageable keiki, and despite the fact I got them all moved back into house with an inch or more of hail in the pots, many have been sulking since then. The Encyclia especially didn't like being pounded. The Phals looked like someone shot at them with a shotgun (so did the waterlilies in my pond). If it were me making this decision in Florida and if I had some solid cover like over a patio, I'd move 'em out - heck, I'd probably grow them outside year 'round

But if you need to move them back and forth for whatever reason, I wouldn't do it. Mine have been lovin' the indoors thing all this summer, so far and my plan is to stay that way. I'd be happy to hear from others who grow them outside all year down your way.