There are a number of fragrant phals which are easy to
grow and maintain.
These are species phals
From Orchids for Dummies -
Dummies::Flocking to Moth Orchids
* Phalaenopsis amboinensis: Musky fragrance
* Phalaenopsis bastianii: Very fragrant
* Phalaenopsis bellina: A very fragrant scent of
lily-of-the-valley and freesia
* Phalaenopsis fasciata: Light rosy-floral scent
* Phalaenopsis gigantea: Scent of orange peels
* Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica: Rose
* Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana: Light sweet fragrance
* Phalaenopsis mannii: Light scent of oranges
* Phalaenopsis modesta: Honeysuckle or lilacs
* Phalaenopsis schilleriana: Lightly rose-scented
* Phalaenopsis tetraspis: Strong sweet scent
* Phalaenopsis violacea: Spice and cinnamon
My phal voilacea (Tequila Sunset x Tequila Sunset) smells of faint roses and spice .. mmmmm very pleasant!
And these are some hybrids (There are others)
* Phalaenopsis Ambo Buddha 'SW'
* Phalaenopsis Caribbean Sunset'Sweet Fragrance'
* Phalaenopsis Dottie Woodson
* Phalaenopsis Ember 'Blumen Insel'
* Phalaenopsis Kilby Cassviola 'Sweet Fragrance'
* Phalaenopsis Orchid World 'Bonnie Vasquez'
* Phalaenopsis Perfection Is 'Chen'
Brassavola nodosa ('Lady of the Night') is fragrant as well as an easy grower, and has many fragrant hybrids. Bl. Yellow Bird has a spicy and to some floral scent and is an easy grower. As is Bc. Maikai (still waiting for it to spike) and Bc Little Stars x Maikai 'Hawaii' - mine is very fragrant! Again, spicy with a hint of church incense.
Good Luck !