Beginner Fertilizer Questions
I inherited 2 Phals from our office after they finished blooming. I am pretty good with house plants but never had Orchids.
So far I read in several locations on the internet to possibly use water obtained from rinsing out empty milk bags/cartons befor discarding them.
I understand that watering has to happen when needed and Orchids need fertilizer in simulation of their natural debris receiving simulation taking into consideration light, temperature, time of blooming cycle and potting media etc.
This milk rinsing water (I have rain water available, frozen in bottles to use during the winter months) sounds pretty unique to me. I assume this might simulate dead animal debris on their roots? I also assume this provides Nitrogen?
The next suggestions were tea leaves sprinkled on the media - again to provide Nitrogen. Somehow I can see this as a perfect mold growing media?
The third question is the fact that I have an aquarium and at any cleaning I obtain a superb collection of fine vintage partially decomposed fish poop. This is not fish emulsion but actual fish manure. I use it on my house plants for years and can see this being also a Nitrogen fertilizer.
I am aware that I have to balance this in the P and and K department but I am interested in people's opinion on the mentioned fertilizers.
Cheers apimom
Canada - also have Lady Slippers growing wild in the garden
Last edited by apimom; 06-26-2011 at 08:23 AM..