I posted a few days ago( dieing masdevallia) about how my white angels leaves kept dropping. After lots of helpful information( thanks) I concluded that high temps was the problem. To cool her down I took my masdie out of the greenhouse and on a windowsill where it gets good light and temps in the 60's-70's. I think it's working but my orchid is weak and is still losing leaves, It's happening slower but I'm down to three! I need to do something drastic,or I might lose the plant . Here are pictures
Last edited by ryrycochinco; 06-13-2011 at 08:48 PM..
It is tricky when it gets hot. Whatever you do, resist the temptation to keep it really wet when it is hot. That is masdevallia disaster. Better a little dry, when hot, believe it or not.
I'd bring it out of the windowsill entirely until it recovers. It doesn't need direct light of any kind right now.
I have mine in a clay pot, sitting inside another clay pot, with clay pellets on the bottom. This whole thing sits in a glass bowl, with a little water in the bottom. The evaporation not only keeps it cool, but also provides extra humidity. It loves it! I also figure that if it gets really hot, I could put an ice cube in the glass bowl.
By the way I keep my masdie moist all the time and at night the sphag gets pretty cold, is wet and cool bad? Should I put it in my greenhouse so it dosen't freeze over night?...... or water less?
could I substitute the clay pellets with shag or something?Also do you cover the glass bowl at all?
They need good air movement, so don't cover it. I have the top of the flowerpot slightly bellow the top of the bowl. You could use pebbles instead of the clay pellets. I think moss would be too wet and rot. You want good drainage, and the plant should dry out slightly before watering. I use rain water, though our tap water here is pretty good. I haven't had the nerve to try tap water for the Masd.