Brassia potting and watering question.
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Old 07-01-2007, 06:11 PM
Team Ferret Team Ferret is offline

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Default Brassia potting and watering question.

I am new to orchids and bought a Brassia several weeks ago. I read a stack of books in hopes that I wouldn't kill my first plant. However, the instructions from the grower I bought from were somewhat different from the books.

The Brassia is a division with 8 pseudobulbs, two new growths, one expired flower spike and another flower spike with 9 buds. I was told to keep this plant outside in shade, water it until it was soaked and let it dry out. I was told I could repot if I choose but it was not necessary. It was recommended that I repot in the same 4" plastic pot because the brassias like to be root bound. It is currently potted in sphagnum moss.

When I got the plant home I found a shady sopt for the plant, watered it and misted it at least twice a day. The temp here gets into the 90's during the summer,a nd the first week it was outside we were getting to 95 degrees at midday. A couple of the leaves developed dark spots near the ends, so I brought it indoors. This has stopped the spotting.

My issue now is that I have been watering about once a week, but the moss never seems to dry out. I get worried at about 6 days after watering because I see no further developemnt of the flower buds. The last time I watered, the flowers opened within a day. After about 5 days the first flower to open was starting to fade and today it is wilting (day 7).

So here are the questions;
Should the moss completely dry out between waterings?
Is this even a good media for this orchid?
Should I repot?
Is it OK to use a larger clay pot?
How often should it be watered during flowering, and how often when not flowering?

Thank you,
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Old 07-01-2007, 10:34 PM
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justatypn justatypn is offline
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First off... Aboard, take a few minutes and introduce yourself in the Welcome "break the ice" area.

As for your is a bit of info I found and hopefully will answer a few of your questions.

Culture Sheet - BRASSIA

When repotting orchids do not go no more than 1 pot size. I am partial to clear plastic pots, choice of the orchid grower. If you use clay it tends to dry out quicker.
It sounds as if your main concern is watering and should be when using moss. Moss retains water so you can either change your medium or keep the moss and cutback on your watering. Watering is according to conditions. Noting your most likely in my area, its very warm. I grow indoors and water every 3-5 days and mist daily in the a.m. only.

Many of our members have repotted while their orchid is in bloom, I would repot your Brassia so you can see what is going on with the rooting system.

Hope this helps.
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Old 07-02-2007, 08:24 AM
Lagoon Lagoon is offline
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Hello Dave! Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of orchids

If your 'chid is taking that long to dry out especially with that kinda heat, I would think the sphag moss is done and probably not getting proper air around the roots as it should be!

Don't know for sure if indeed it does need to go into a bigger pot - Do you have a photo?

During the main growing season, they do like to stay on the moist side and I think they should be fed to keep the growth stronger and steady.

No one can really tell you how to water or even how much per time - It's trial and error on you part.
Some folks go by weight of the pot. Others use a wooden BBQ skewer. I use the skewer since I grow in clay pots, I find the easier for me.

But, As fall rolls in it's time to back off the water and scale down on the fertilizers. Becos' of the zones differences, you will have to adjust it to your climate.

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day, dry, flower, plant, repot, question, watering, potting, brassia

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