Dendrobium "phalaenopsis type" bud blast
I recently bought a Denbrobium hybrid of the "phalaenopsis" type in partial bloom and bud. It is labelled Den. Siam Peach, which is not registered. I placed next one of my other Dens which was also blooming and waited. My original plant (called Den. Negro - also not registered) bloomed beautifully. Each bud developed sequentially down the raceme and looks gorgeous today. The Siam Peach had three lower blooms open, which are still blooming and in fine shape, and a series of eight more buds. As each of the buds swells and looks like it is getting ready to open, the bud turns an orange-brown, shrivels and falls off. This has happened for the last seven buds, with only one remaining. Any idea of what can be happening? I grow inside my apartment. These plants are under a high intensity compact fluorescent fixture. Humidity is somewhat low, due to winter conditions still here is chicago, but I try to keep it at least to 45% RH. I reiterate that the plant right next to it of the same type (but not the same grex) is blooming perfectly. I am new to Dens, so any advice is appreciated.