Hello, all! Well, my first set of blooming brassia flowers died, but I have a lovely new spike coming in. It's growing naturally off to the side of the plant. I have a stick and a little clip that came with the plant and I'm wondering when is the right time to add it? Last time, I had 11 blooms and they seem to be kind of "heavy." Does the spike need some help staying up or will I hurt it by messing with it while it's growing? I'm attaching some photos of the overall plant and the new growth--and my cute little baby bella. They just got a nice drink of water, so they are happy... for now.
Congrats on your new bloom. I would take the original stick along with a clip and clip the stem approx 3/4 in from the bloom, as the bloom grows you can inch it up to support the weight of the blooms. The stem at this time is flexible and will stand tall as it grows with the support.