Should I join an orchid society?
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:02 PM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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Should I join an orchid society? Male
Default Should I join an orchid society?

OK, please don't beat me up for asking that!

I think I might like to join the St. Louis Orchid Society, but I am wondering what the benefits would be of joining. Of course, I do understand meeting people locally who have the same addiction, oops, I mean interests. I feel that I learn plenty about orchids from asking you guys on the Orchid Board my questions , lots of research (most of it done on here), and personal experience. I truly believe you guys are the best out there and nothing is more valuable than real-life experience.

The things keeping me from it are not important. I think if I could be convinced to join I would prioritize it high enough to find the time and energy.

BTW, the STL.O.S.'s last president is presenting a class on basics for orchids and I am considering attendinding. While it appears to be directed at beginners, I wonder if I might still learn something and get some better insight into the STL.O.S.

Thanks for your time and thoughts guys!

Last edited by Paul Mc; 03-18-2011 at 07:05 PM..
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:06 PM
prc11 prc11 is offline
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Should I join an orchid society? Male

You should definitely join a society. I have learned so much it is not even funny. I can ask specific questions to someone who grow a specific genus. I have also got many plants that I can't find anywhere else. Finally, there is always a show table where you get to see so many blooming orchids.
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:19 PM
Carl Austin Carl Austin is offline
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Of course you should join.

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Old 03-18-2011, 07:39 PM
fotofashion fotofashion is offline
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Should I join an orchid society? Female

The first step in making this decision should be to actually attend one of their meetings. That will give you an idea if it is for you.
Our local society HOS' (Houston) meetings are a lot of fun and can be very informative. They are a way to obtain new plants, too. Sometimes the speakers bring plants to sell. There is the raffle table and the silent auction table. Food is served. Then there is the display table. Two knowledgable people comment on the plants (one on the hybrids and one on the species). There is voting for a favorite hybrid and species.
At our last meeting, I brought along a Paph sanderianum I had just bought to ask someone's advice. I asked who was considered one of the experts with Paphs and he was kind enough to answer my questions.
We generally have a large attendance so it is an opportunity to get to know new people.
If you will go to the AOS site there are also newsletters from various societies you can read. Your own local society likely publishes its own newsletter.
So, there you have it. The next step is yours
Beverly A.
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Old 03-18-2011, 08:05 PM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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Most orchid societies allow you to attend meetings without joining. Go to a couple of meetings and see how you like it and whether the meetings fit into your schedule. That's what I did and I eventually joined and paid the dues. I figured if I'm going to eat the snacks they have at the meetings I'ld better pay some dues.
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Old 03-18-2011, 08:21 PM
britbloke britbloke is offline

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Should I join an orchid society? Male

I agree with Tucker, visit as a guest and decide if it's for you...

My guess is you'll get an insight into how many intangible ways you will improve your orchid knowledge.You'll also find many ways to obtain great advice, the best suppliers and shared resources...
Try it, you'll like it....
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Old 03-18-2011, 08:24 PM
britbloke britbloke is offline

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Should I join an orchid society? Male

I forgot to mention, no one can give you better advice about the local growing conditions/light/temperature/medium etc. than those that grow orchids in your area...
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Old 03-18-2011, 10:17 PM
ezil ezil is offline
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Should I join an orchid society? Female

I belong to the same society as Carl (who introduced me do the addiction years ago). I can't attend all meetings, but I have never regretted joining. Not only will you learn a lot, you will also see and smell the plants in real life. It is good to have both "real" life and the internet. Try it out, you never know.

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Old 03-18-2011, 11:27 PM
LadyGT LadyGT is offline

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Should I join an orchid society? Female

Joining a club can be so beneficial other than learning how to grow plants. It's a great way to make new friends and with that said, there usually is somebody who would be willing to be your mentor. If it's a club reasonably close and the meeting times agree with your schedule, you have everything to gain. By joining, your dues help pay for refreshments, room rental and expenses of speakers. Just because you have joined, you are not obligated to attend every meeting, but if you are getting something out of it, then it would be nice if you contribute in some small way. Even if it's helping to clean up at the end.
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Old 03-18-2011, 11:27 PM
lund0682 lund0682 is offline

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Should I join an orchid society? Male

Hi Paul Mc!

I'm in Saint Louis too, like you noticed before . I've been meaning to attend the meetings here for the last several months. But my timing has been really bad and I always seem to be traveling for my stupid job when the orchid society is meeting.

I'm still a total beginner when it comes to orchids, so for me the benefits of joining would be that I could actually talk to (and learn from) people face-to-face. I will definitely check things out as a guest to see how I like it before making any commitments. But I can't imagine any downside to just attending a meeting or two. And they meet at the Botanical Gardens! How cool is that? Another reason I want to join is because I'm still kind of new to the area and I don't know a lot of folks here. So meeting some local characters with similar interests seems like a good idea.

I can understand not going if you have to drive very far, or if it's inconvenient somehow. But I'm pretty close and so I don't have any good reason for not going. Except this darn job. I don't like that my job is getting in the way of my new orchid addiction. Maybe it's time to look for a new job

According to their website, the Orchid Society of Greater St Louis meets on the second Friday of each month (next meeting is April 8th). I have just now made the decision that I will absolutely go to that meeting - and I have now written it on my calendar - so if you also decide to go, at least you won't be the only first-timer there!

As for the beginner class you mentioned: can you provide a link for that? I think I would be interested in that, but I don't see it on their website.
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