OK, please don't beat me up for asking that!
I think I might like to join the St. Louis Orchid Society, but I am wondering what the benefits would be of joining. Of course, I do understand meeting people locally who have the same addiction, oops, I mean interests. I feel that I learn plenty about orchids from asking you guys on the Orchid Board my questions

, lots of research (most of it done on here)

, and personal experience. I truly believe you guys are the best out there and nothing is more valuable than real-life experience.
The things keeping me from it are not important. I think if I could be convinced to join I would prioritize it high enough to find the time and energy.
BTW, the STL.O.S.'s last president is presenting a class on basics for orchids and I am considering attendinding. While it appears to be directed at beginners, I wonder if I might still learn something and get some better insight into the STL.O.S.
Thanks for your time and thoughts guys!